Manufacturer of 3840 Powder in the Rotomolding Industry


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Customer satisfaction
Our Team Members
The best and most professional team in the field of rotational molding production

Hamed Shah Mohammadi

Factory Manager
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 9 years of experience in the rotomolding industry

Nastaran Nabavi

Accounting Manager and Human Resources Manager
Master of Accountancy PhD student in management 3 years of financial and human management experience

Omid Shah Mohammadi

Master of Civil Engineering PhD student in management 7 years of management experience in the plastic industry The first specialized producer of compounds for rotational molding purposes CEO of Sarang Bayan Kara Company (Sabico) based in Mazandaran Science and Technology Park

Sari, Farah Abad Road, km 4, Sari Babolsar Road, Shahid Seyed Mostafa Khomeini Industrial Estate, South Bahar St., West Golestan St. 2, Plot F5

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